
Let’s go to the park

Workshops, Multi sensorial event (food, music, visuals) 
Collaboration with Cécile Espinasse under Flat_friday
Special thank to ERGON, TUe Eindhoven, Heerlijck Hopveld

‘Let’s go to the Park’ is a larger name for a serie of interventions in Eindhoven and its surroundings.
It’s an invitation for a sensorial travel within the city; it suggests new appreciations, and pleasurable experiences of Eindhoven by focusing on its plant life forms -and hopes to trigger a longer term curiosity and respect towards them.
From flowerbeds to urban woods, from canal sides to grassy fields, step into Nature’s fascinating production of shape, taste, colour and processes.

Flat_friday intervened though diversed format: workshops, field research, multisensorial events. 

2019 - 2021

pictures : Sixtine Blandin

TUe Summerschool,

Workshop, prints, catering

This event was part of the TUe SummerSchool. 

It was divided into 3 moments: walking around one nieghbourhood of Eindhoven with an ERGON employee, share a meal made by Flat_friday with vegetables/herbs found in Eindhoven, print monotypes with leaves found in the morning.

july 2020

pictures : Sixtine Blandin

Research at Heerlijk Hopveld,

Research, food design

Culinary research on roots, vegetables, herbs, found in the nature or that have been forgotten at the Social community Garden ‘Heerlijk Hopveld’.

This on going research brings an understanding and an awareness of the richeness of what’s surrounding us.

january - ... 2020

pictures : Leif Czakai
Music: HNHO & Co de Beor
Visuals: Fraser Mcfee
Food: Flat_friday

Multisensory event, Baltan Laboratory

Food, music, visuals

This event was part of the Homo Sensorium collateral Events held at Baltan Laboratories during DDW 2019

Let’s go to the Park is an invitation for a sensorial travel within the city as you have never seen, heard or smelt before. It suggests new appreciations, and pleasurable experiences of Eindhoven by focusing on its plant life forms -and hopes to trigger a longer term curiosity and respect towards them.
From flowerbeds to urban woods, from canal sides to grassy fields, step into Nature’s fascinating production of shape, taste, colour and processes.

Flat_friday was happy to guide the audience into this exploration with tasty bites and visuals. We invited VJ Fraser McPhee and experimental musicians HИHO and Ko de Beer to make the experience whole.

If you wish to be part or organise a “Let’s go to the Park” evening for your location, you can contact

A propos

Sixtine Blandin, est une designer polyvalente, qui souhaite apporter un peu de chaleur dans ce monde de brutes en faisant des projets qui plaisent aux yeux, à l'esprit et, dès que possible, à l'estomac.
Alias des projets beaux qui ont du sens.

© 2024 - sixtine blandin

tel: +31 (0)6 43 70 29 18