

On going collaboration with Cécile Espinasse at Baltan Laboratories Workshops and inetractive events

Flat_friday is an open collective that seeks to make room for free exploration and conviviality.
It is shaped by regular workshops, anchoring moments in which members or visitors first cook together, enjoy the resulting meal and then start experimenting with carving and printing techniques.

Flat_friday encourages discovery processes, fundamental creativity and fair satisfaction.

It was founded by Cecile Espinasse and Sixtine Blandin in 2019, after they both graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven (in the Food-non-Food department).
Their thrive for good food as well as their aspiration to draw brought them together. Cecile is like an ongoing movement, a creative force who keeps experimenting and producing. She is very curious for people she has little in common with and tries to find way to reach them. Sixtine, on the other hand, brings in methodology and structure. She has a fine, determined eye for details, is sharp in her selections and gets to the essence of the works.

Together they develop research projects that please the eyes, the mouth and the brain.

Participants: Clara Montrieul, Léa Cruard, Dané Vonk, Anna Alessa, Vincent Dassi

Let’s go to the park,

Multi sensorial event food, music, visuals, 2019

Space design: Raphael Coutin
Food: Flat_friday (sixtine blandin & Cecile Espinasse
Visuals: Fraser Mcfee
Music: HNHO & Ko de Beer

This event was part of the Homo Sensorium collateral Events held at Baltan Laboratories during DDW 2019

Let’s go to the Park is an invitation for a sensorial travel within the city as you have never seen, heard or smelt before. It suggests new appreciations, and pleasurable experiences of Eindhoven by focusing on its plant life forms -and hopes to trigger a longer term curiosity and respect towards them.
From flowerbeds to urban woods, from canal sides to grassy fields, step into Nature’s fascinating production of shape, taste, colour and processes.

Flat_friday was happy to guide the audience into this exploration with tasty bites and visuals. We invited VJ Fraser McPhee and experimental musicians HИHO and Ko de Beer to make the experience whole.

If you wish to be part or organise a “Let’s go to the Park” evening for your location, you can contact

A propos

Sixtine Blandin, est une designer polyvalente, qui souhaite apporter un peu de chaleur dans ce monde de brutes en faisant des projets qui plaisent aux yeux, à l'esprit et, dès que possible, à l'estomac.
Alias des projets beaux qui ont du sens.

© 2024 - sixtine blandin

tel: +31 (0)6 43 70 29 18